Thursday, April 05, 2007

Easter eggs weigh in heavy with packaging

"It is not just a myth spread by cheapskates who balk at paying more for a hollow chocolate shape than a solid bar of the stuff - a study has revealed that some leading Easter egg brands really do contain almost as much packaging as confectionery.
Buy many of the eggs on sale this year and at least one-third of what you take home will be tinfoil, plastic and - probably unrecycled - cardboard, research by Oxfordshire county council has shown."

Source: The Guardian

Easter eggs - the greatest threat to the environment, the number one cause of globalwarming. In the spirit of globalwarming awareness2007 we need to boycott Easter eggs. Seriously speaking, is there nothing more important going on in the World today? Are Easter eggs really such a big threat to the environment that it requires a headline in The Guardian?

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