Thursday, April 05, 2007

Ethanol tops U.S.-Brazil talks

"President Bush and Brazilian President Luiz Inacio Lula da Silva on Saturday discussed globalwarming, ethanol and trade, as well as poverty, hunger, disease and peace in the Middle East, the leaders said.

Lula da Silva was a guest at Camp David in Maryland. It was Bush's second meeting with the Brazilian leader in less than a month. They met three weeks ago when Bush stopped in Sao Paulo during his five-nation tour of Latin America.

At the top of Saturday's agenda was ethanol.

"For me, the biofuel issue is almost like an obsession," Lula da Silva told reporters through an interpreter.

During the past four years, Brazil has been able to reduce the deforestation of the Amazon rainforest by 52 percent, saving some 2 million hectares (5 million acres), he said. Through the use of ethanol, carbon gas emissions have been reduced by some 400 million tons.

"Either we take care of planet Earth very carefully ... or we regret that in the future," Lula da Silva said."


We all have a lot to learn from Brazil when it comes to ethanol. I read somewhere that about 95% of all new cars sold in Brazil are fueled by ethanol. The perhaps most dominant brand of cars is Ford with its Flexifuel system. Most of Brazil's ethanol comes from sugar canes, of which the rest product is used as furtilizer. Therefore nothing is wasted.

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