Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Electric cars: Little juice coupes

"The electric car, left for dead in the 1990s, is charging up for a comeback. Give it a few minutes.

A handful of automotive giants and start-ups are racing to bring to market a mass-produced electric vehicle free from the limitations that doomed previous efforts. Once derided for their golf cart-size engines and limited range between charges, this latest generation of vehicles promises performance that rivals premium sports cars and sports-utility vehicles on the road today.

The next 18 months figure to be critical in determining whether the electric car is a viable alternative to internal combustion or just more science fiction.

General Motors, the company blamed in a 2006 documentary for killing off the electric car's last incarnation, put the spotlight on the technology earlier this year when it announced it would bring the concept back to showrooms as soon as 2010. But a handful of smaller companies, some backed by A-list technology investors, intend to beat GM to market by putting cars on the road as soon as this year. The momentum is part of a wider trend toward using electricity to help power vehicles. The success that Toyota and, to a lesser extent, Ford Motor have had selling gasoline-battery hybrids, coupled with improvements in electric car design and high gas prices, has caused the entire industry to reconsider the virtues of going electric."

Source: The New York Times

What took them so long? I'll tell you what! Greed!!! That's what took them so long! But now when they see that the consumer prefers buying more environmentally friendly cars, they are simply forced to reconsider. It's not that they want to, they have to!!!

This year is Globalwarming Awareness2007. It's time to open your eyes to the reality of globalwarming and the threats to our environment!

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