Thursday, March 29, 2007

Fighting for air: frontline of war on globalwarming

"In the most polluted city on earth, the smog is so thick that it seems to consume its source. Iron foundries, smelting plants and cement factories loom out of the haze then disappear once more as you drive along Linfen's roads. The outlines of smoke stacks blur in the filthy mist. No sooner are the plumes of carbon and sulphur belched out than the chimneys are swallowed up again."

"The effects have been dramatic. By 2009 China is predicted to overtake the United States as the world's biggest emitter of greenhouse gases. India has recently become the fourth biggest polluter, but its steeply rising emissions will see it in third place within a few years.

China's three decades of industrial blitzkrieg has extracted a heavy price. Seventy percent of its rivers are contaminated. In the southern Himalayas, ancient glaciers are melting. Further north, encroaching deserts threaten the livelihoods of 400 million people."

Source: The Guardian

The sad effects of progress. You'd wish that these up and coming countries, like China and India, would try to take advantage of what the western world has already experienced, in order to save their environment. However, what is happening right now, in especially China, might very well be the beginning of the end of the world as we've known it. They still have a chance to do something about it, but time is running out, and fast. Globalwarming is not a myth, it's fact. We need to be aware of our actions. Awareness2007 is essential as a start.

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