Thursday, March 22, 2007

Republicans accuse Gore of environment hype

"Al Gore's environmental credentials came under fire from Republicans yesterday as he appeared before Congress to urge America to take a lead in tackling climate change.

The former vice-president, fresh from winning an Oscar for his documentary An Inconvenient Truth, faced tough questions from congressmen and senators who doubt that globalwarming is man-made.

They listened as Mr Gore appealed for the US to start framing federal legislation to cut carbon emissions.

His passionate performance did nothing to calm speculation in Washington's political circles that he may yet seek the Democrat presidential nomination in 2008, despite the shadow of defeat in 2000 that hangs over him.

Mr Gore has always been most sure-footed on the environment, which he championed early in his career.

"The US is the natural leader of the world and the world is facing a truly planetary crisis," he said. "There is hope in the whole country that the US Congress will rise to the occasion and present a meaningful solution to this crisis."

The whole country evidently does not include Joe Barton, a Republican from oil-producing Texas, who questioned Mr Gore about several claims in his film, the third highest grossing documentary ever."

Source: The Telegraph

Any surprice the Republicans attack Al Gore? Not really!

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